From December 7-11, AdSTM, Inc. and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC) conducted a joint International Regulatory Development Partnership (IRDP) workshop on research and test reactor regulations at the campus of Texas A&M University. The audience was composed of reactor operators and nuclear regulators from member countries of the Arab Atomic Energy Agency. Participants included representatives from the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Iraq Ministry of Science and Technology, Jordan Atomic Energy Commission, Kuwait Ministry of Health, Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission,...
News from 2015
From November 2 to 5, 2015, John Kinneman of AdSTM, Inc. made presentations at a Workshop on Establishing an Independent Regulatory Authority in Morocco organized by the International Nuclear Safeguards Engagement Program (INSEP) in the Office of Nonproliferation and Arms Control (NPAC) in the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) of the Department of Energy (DOE). The workshop was attended by representatives of the Moroccan National Center of Radiation Protection (CNRP), The National Center for Nuclear Energy Sciences and Techniques (CNESTEN), and the Ministry of Energy, Mines,...
AdSTM instructors, Mr. Rich Emch and Dr. David Squarer, conducted two licensing workshops, from October 19-23, 2015 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The International Regulatory Development Program (IRDP) workshops, How to Manage a Regulatory Review and Licensing Process, was presented to and hosted by the Vietnamese regulator, the Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS); VARANS is part of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Sixteen VARANS staff participated in the five-day training event, which were recently developed under the IRDP for 2015.The How to Manage a Regulatory Review is a...
AdSTM conducted a consultation with ARNR from October 20 - 22, 2015 to learn about their regulatory program, and to determine if there are areas of mutual interest where AdSTM could provide assistance in the further development and enhancement of their program. The consultation was performed as a result of conversations between AdSTM and ARNR as the next step of cooperation following the completion of the radioactive source inventory work. The consultation was conducted by Dr. Charles Miller and Mr. Paulo Ferruz, and consisted of a series of discussions with ARNR management and staff....
AdSTM presented a Construction Permit (CP) Application Review Workshop on September 7-11, 2015 in Bucharest, Romania. The Romanian nuclear regulatory authority, the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) hosted the workshop. AdSTM instructors, David Squarer and Mel Fields, delivered the USNRC/ IRDP course. The CP application review course was very well attended and represented a diverse audience from various nuclear organizations. Approximately forty attendees from seven Romanian organizations participated in the five-day workshop including: CNCAN, UPB the University of...
AdSTM conducted a second consultation with NNR from September 15 to September 22, 2015 to provide additional assistance in the development of a revised inspector qualification program. The consultation was performed as a result of a request by NNR to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as part of the support to South Africa under the IRDP. The consultation was conducted by Dr. Charles Miller and Mr. John Kinneman, and consisted of a series of discussions with NNR senior management and interviews with a small sample of NNR inspectors. Following the discussions AdSTM developed a set of...
From August 16-18, 2015, the AdSTM conducted an Environmental Assessment Workshop at the offices of the Energy and Mineral Regulatory Commission (EMRC) in Amman, Jordan. Mr. Richard Emch (AdSTM) and Mr. Stewart Bland (Chesapeake Nuclear Services) provided training to twenty individuals representing various organizations including the EMRC, Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), Ministry of Environment (MOENV), KEPCO E&C, and Dar Al-Handsah. KEPCO E&C, JAEC’s contractor, is responsible for developing the Site Safety Analysis and Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed nuclear...
On August 17-21, 2015, the AdSTM hosted nuclear engineers representing the Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS) in Vienna, VA, where they received training on how to perform a regulatory review of Safety Analysis Reports (SAR) and Construction Permit Application. The course was delivered by David Squarer, Mel Fields, and Weidong He of AdSTM.The AdSTM instructors tailored the training course to the specific interests expressed by VARANS participants, which included: site evaluation including seismic safety assessment, safety analysis chapters in the SAR, and legal documents...
From June 1-5, 2015, Dr. Charles L. Miller, Principal Nuclear Safety Consultant, AdSTM supported a workshop that was sponsored by the Korean Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) and the Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators (ANNuR). The workshop was held at KINS offices in Daejeon, Korea. Dr. Miller presented three lectures that covered the safety, regulation and licensing of radioactive sources in the United States of America (USA). He answered many questions from the attendees, who came from 11 Arab countries .He also supported a discussion at the KINS nuclear plant simulator on the design and...
On May 18-21, 2015, Jack Ramsey (NRC/OIP), Jennifer Holtzer (NRC/OIP), and Tammy Way (AdSTM/IRDP) participated in the 7th Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF) held in Brussels, Belgium. In June 2010, the RCF was established with the goal of providing a forum for regulators to meet and discuss opportunities to promote collaboration and cooperation to improve coordination among Member States with an established nuclear program (“providers)” and those members (“recipients”) considering the introduction or expansion of nuclear power within their countries. Over twenty-two countries were...