From August 16-18, 2015, the AdSTM conducted an Environmental Assessment Workshop at the offices of the Energy and Mineral Regulatory Commission (EMRC) in Amman, Jordan. Mr. Richard Emch (AdSTM) and Mr. Stewart Bland (Chesapeake Nuclear Services) provided training to twenty individuals representing various organizations including the EMRC, Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), Ministry of Environment (MOENV), KEPCO E&C, and Dar Al-Handsah. KEPCO E&C, JAEC’s contractor, is responsible for developing the Site Safety Analysis and Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed nuclear power plant, and Dar Al-Handsah is providing consultation services to KEPCO on non-radiological impacts. The workshop included three exercises; the first two exercises examined the assessment of environmental impacts for (1) the V.C. Summer Combined License and (2) the Palo Verde Construction Permit, Operating License, and License Renewal using the NRC’s Environmental Impact Statements. The third exercise focused on the potential environmental impacts at the site that is currently under consideration for the new Jordanian Nuclear Power Plant.
Following the conclusion of the three-day workshop, the AdSTM instructors met with EMRC and KEPCO E&C staff to provide additional expert consultation on topics such as meteorology and radiological dose assessments.