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Overview of Computer Codes Used to Review License Applications


Nuclear regulatory agencies must maintain the capability to apply technical data and analysis to a wide variety of decision processes. For the most part, these technical issues are dealt with by means of binding regulations, technical guidance documents and engineering codes and standards. In addition, regulators frequently need to apply computer code capabilities to confirm the results of licensee analyses. This workshop describes the ways in which the USNRC applies technical computer codes to enhance the conduct of their regulatory responsibilities.


The workshop begins with an overview of the use of technical information in regulatory processes, and how computer codes are used to enhance those processes. There is a discussion and some examples of how computer codes contribute to each type of decision that regulators must make, such as licensing, inspection, enforcement, emergency response and generic issue resolution. The workshop also describes how computer code capabilities are verified, validated and maintained in a useable state. Much of the workshop is focused on the capabilities of eight specific computer codes which are frequently used in the regulatory process and gives examples of how they have been applied. Finally, the workshop provides guidance on how other countries can gain useful access to these codes.

Regulatory technical reviewers, project managers, and management