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Construction Permit Application Review Workshop for CNCAN

Published on October 1, 2015

AdSTM presented a Construction Permit (CP) Application Review Workshop on September 7-11, 2015 in Bucharest, Romania. The Romanian nuclear regulatory authority, the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) hosted the workshop. AdSTM instructors, David Squarer and Mel Fields, delivered the USNRC/ IRDP course. The CP application review course was very well attended and represented a diverse audience from various nuclear organizations. Approximately forty attendees from seven Romanian organizations participated in the five-day workshop including: CNCAN, UPB the University of Polytechnics Bucharest, Nuclearelectrica (Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) Units 1 & 2 Licensee/Owner), ICN Pitesti (TRIGA Research Reactor Licencee), EnergoNuclear (Cernavoda NPP Units 3 & 4 project managers), the Centre of Technology and Engineering for Nuclear Projects, and several technical support organizations. Both the instructors and participants concluded that the CP Workshop was valuable and relevant to understanding how the USNRC performs CP application reviews, and how this knowledge could assist CNCAN in future CP reviews. Participants were impressed by the degree of comprehensiveness that was presented over the one-week course, as well as with the broad experience and in-depth knowledge of the instructors. This course was developed to provide insights into the review process of construction permit application by the USNRC. The course materials covered primarily the two-step licensing process (i.e. construction permit followed by operating license). The major part of the course included discussions of all 19 chapters of the standard review plan (SRP) (NUREG-0800) that are presented in the Applicant’s Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR). The instructors also covered in detail the safety related aspects of a nuclear power plant (NPP). The course included presentations on regulatory prerequisites; safety objectives requirements and concepts; and an overview of the licensing process for the CP phase. The diversity of the technical topics and regulatory issues presented in this course exceeds many of the other IRDP training courses that concentrate on a specific topic (e.g. siting, probabilistic risk assessment, fundamentals of reactor safety, etc.).

Romanian National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control