AdSTM conducted a second consultation with NNR from September 15 to September 22, 2015 to provide additional assistance in the development of a revised inspector qualification program. The consultation was performed as a result of a request by NNR to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as part of the support to South Africa under the IRDP. The consultation was conducted by Dr. Charles Miller and Mr. John Kinneman, and consisted of a series of discussions with NNR senior management and interviews with a small sample of NNR inspectors. Following the discussions AdSTM developed a set of recommendations, a sample inspector qualification program document and an associated inspector qualification journal. A detailed report will be provided to NNR with a number of conclusions, and recommendations. In addition, through a question and answer session, the AdSTM team provided advice to NNR on the study that they are conducting related to acquiring the regulatory responsibility for radioactive sources and radiation producing machines.
Second Consultation at National Nuclear Regulator, South Africa (NNR)
South Africa National Nuclear Regulator