To provide regulatory staff a basic knowledge and understanding of research and test reactors emergency plans, and emergency planning.
This course introduces the USNRC approach that it takes on emergency plans and emergency planning at research and test reactors, including the necessary provisions for coping with radiological emergencies. The fundamental aspects of the content of emergency plans are reviewed, including relevant guidance documents and standards such as: ANSI/ANS 15.16 Emergency Planning for Research Reactors, which is endorsed by the USNRC in Regulatory Guide 2.6, Emergency Planning for Research and Test Reactors; Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50; NUREG-0849, USNRCs Standard Review Plan for Review and Evaluation of Emergency Plans for Research and Test Reactors; NUREG-1537, USNRCs Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of Non-Power Reactors, pertaining to content, and the process for making changes as described in 10 CFR 50.54(q).
In addition, the requirements for implementation of emergency plans at research and test reactors are covered including reviews, drills, inventory, procedures and interfacing with first responders. Examples of typical emergency drills are provided and discussed throughout the course. Differences between research and test reactor and nuclear power reactors are discussed as well as the recognition of the safety-security interface. The workshop will cumulate in a table-top emergency exercise where students will perform the roles and responsibilities of emergency personnel during a hypothetical research reactor radiological emergency/accident.