From December 5-9, 2011, Gene Imbro and Rich Emch of AdSTM conducted training for 20 people from the Radiation Protection Board in the Ministry of Public Health, the University of Nairobi in the Ministry of Higher Education, the National Council for Science and Technology in the Ministry of Higher Education, the Kenya Bureau of Standards in the Ministry of Industrialization, and the Nuclear Electricity Project in the Ministry of Energy in Nairobi, Kenya. The training included a Nuclear Executive Workshop and a discussion of the events at Fukushima. The training was conducted at the Lenana…
News from 2011
From December 5-9, 2011 Mel Fields and Scott Newberry of AdSTM conducted one week of training for the staff of of the Center for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Science in Singapore. Personnel from other Singapore government agencies involved in emergency planning, civil defense, environmental monitoring and the military were also in attendance. The training included a Nuclear Executive Workshop, Fundamentals of Reactor Safety, and a discussion on the events at Fukushima. Singapore is conducting a feasibility study on energy options including nuclear power.
From October 10 to 13, 2011, AdSTM employee Richard Barrett attended the “Central Europe Nuclear Safety Workshop – Trends in Nuclear Power Plant Safety for Robust Civil Nuclear Programs” in Prague. The workshop was jointly hosted by the governments of the Czech Republic and the United States and attracted participation by government officials, regulators and nuclear plant operators from Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Slovenia. Representatives from EPRI and the IAEA also attended. Mr. Barrett gave presentations on the safety effects of plant aging and on the licensing of…
Between October 10 and 14, 2011, the IRDP participated in a KINS sponsored workshop for the Arab Atomic Energy Authority titled “The Fundamentals of Nuclear Power Plants and Safety Regulations.” AdSTM employee, David Fischer provided presentations on “Safety Classification of Structures, Systems, and Components” and “Limiting Conditions for Operation.”The workshop included presentations on all aspects of nuclear power plant design, licensing, and operation (e.g., NPP overview, licensing process, evaluation of site characteristics, deterministic accident analysis, probabilistic safety analysis…
During September 19 – 23, 2011, AdSTM launched its first PRA training course for the International Regulatory Development Partnership (IRDP). The course, based on the NRC P-105 course, “PRA Fundamentals,” was tailored for the unique needs of the Vietnamese Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS) and included an interactive practical exercise and final examination. In addition, a one day presentation and discussion on the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident dovetailed with the PRA course and the practical exercise.The 21 participants who included junior staff up to the Deputy Director General…
On September 5 & 6, 2011, staff from AdSTM and the NRC conducted interactive working-level meetings with JNRC staff to discuss a proposed overall management system that is based on USNRC procedures as well as IAEA guidance documents (e.g., IAEA document GS-R-3 related to quality management systems). The proposed management system addresses Organization and Functions, Human Resources, Regulatory Processes, Financial Management and Procurement, Information Management, and External Interfaces (Volumes 1 through 6). The meeting focused on the “licensing” regulatory process in order to better…
On August 30, 2011, Richard Barrett attended the subject training course which included 45 students from Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Mr. Barrett gave a presentation on the NRC approach to evaluating management systems at US nuclear power plants. The presentation focused on the NRC’s performance-based approach to management assessment, known as the reactor oversight process (ROP). Mr. Barrett described the information which NRC gathers, the ways in which it is evaluated, the method used to make decisions and the approach to assessing management deficiencies when a…
From July 18 - 22, the IRDP presented the Advanced Siting Requirements Workshop to the Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC) in Arusha, Tanzania. The content of the workshop included an overview of reactor siting and regulations, site characteristics, cooling water, meteorology and radiation transport, man-made and natural hazards, electrical grid reliability, seismic hazards and probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, emergency planning, and insights into the Fukushima event.The course was taught by David Squarer and Gene Imbro of AdSTM, and was well attended by TAEC employees. Also in…
From July 11-15, 2011, the IRDP conducted a Construction Permit Workshop for the Forum of Nuclear Regulatory Bodies of Africa (FNRBA) in Mombasa, Kenya. Workshop attendees included representatives from 11 African countries including Kenya, South Africa, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, and Tunisia. The Kenyan delegation included representatives from the Kenyan Radiation Protection Board (regulator) as well as the Ministry of Energy, Nuclear Electricity Project Committee (utility).The newly developed Construction Permit Workshop addressed the…
From May 15-18, 2011, representatives of AdSTM and the Department of Energy (DOE/NNSA), conducted a Nuclear Executive Workshop in Kuwait City, Kuwait. Attending the workshop were members of KNNEC and several Kuwait Ministry representatives working to prepare the Kuwait governmental infrastructure to safely regulate the siting, construction, and operation of a nuclear power plant (NPP). While a decision to move ahead with an NPP has not yet been made in Kuwait , this workshop was held to assist Kuwait government organizations in their planning, including their human resource development and…