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The The Forum of Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Africa (FNRBA) was established in 2009 to strengthen and harmonize radiation and nuclear safety and security regulatory infrastructures in its member countries, and serve as an effective platform for the exchange of regulatory experiences and practices among the nuclear regulatory bodies.

Angola Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority
Atomic Energy Board of Namibia
Botswana Radiation Protection Inspectorate
Burkina Faso National Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Authority
Cameroon National Agency of Radiation Protection
Chadian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
DRC National Committee for the Protection Against Ionizing Radiation
Egyptian Atomic Energy Commission
Ethiopian Radiation Protection Authority
Gabon National Center of Prevention and Protection Against Ionizing Radiation
Ivory Coast Ministry of Mines and Energy
Malawi Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources
Malian Radio Protection Agency
Mauritania National Authority of Radiation, Safety and Nuclear Security
Mauritius Radiation Protection Authority
Mozambique National Atomic Energy Agency
National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology
National Radiation Protection Center
Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe
Senegal Authority for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety
Seychelles Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority
Sierra Leone Radiation Protection Board
Sudanese Nuclear & Radiological Regulatory Authority
Tunisia National Center for Radiation Protection
Uganda Radiation Protection Authority
Zambia Radiation Protection Board