AdSTM conducted a Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Workshop in Mombasa, Kenya from April 18 to April 21, 2016. The workshop was attended by representatives of regulatory authorities from a number of African countries who are members of FNRBA, and are interested in pursuing Nuclear Power as part of their strategy to meet the growing demand for energy in their respective countries. Mr. Richard Emch and Dr. Charles Miller conducted the workshop, and they covered the necessary prerequisites and processes for a regulatory body to have the infrastructure that will be necessary and complete, so that it will be adequately prepared to review an application and issue a construction permit and operating license for a nuclear power plant. The workshop also included details of the various aspects of the review at each stage, the information that is needed by the regulator and the subsequent responsibilities of the regulator once a license is issued. The workshop was hosted by the Kenyan regulatory authority with Mr. Arthur Koteng serving as its principal spokesperson, and organized by Mr. Peter Bester from the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) of South Africa.