In conjunction with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators (ANNuR), the Arab Atomic Energy Agency (AAEA), the Center for Nuclear Science, Tunisia (CNSTN), and the Forum of Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Africa (FNRBA), AdSTM participated in the subject workshop; held in Hammamet, Tunisia, from December 12 - 15, 2017. The workshop was chaired by Dr. Charles Miller (AdSTM), and hosted by ANNuR, AAEA, and CNSTN. It consisted of a series of presentations, participating country reports, and breakout sessions. The presentations focused on the status of...
News from 2017
During the week of November 27, 2017, AdSTM instructors, Dr. Charles Miller and Mr. Mark Tonacci, and Mr. Peter Hughes, representing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), presented the Licensing Process Workshop to Poland’s nuclear regulator, the Panstowowa Agencja Atomiskyki (PAA). The workshop was conducted in Warsaw, Poland, as a collaborative effort between the International Regulatory Development Partnership (IRDP) and the IAEA Technical Cooperation programs. The Licensing Process Workshop was focused on steps needed to prepare for, review, and issue a Construction Permit for...
From October 10-12, 2017, the Arab Atomic Energy Agency (AAEA) and Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission, in cooperation with the League of Arab States, Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity and the Arab Union of Electricity; held the Fourth Arab Forum on the Prospects of Nuclear Power for Electricity Generation and Seawater Desalination in Amman, Jordan. The purpose of the forum was to discuss the strategic option for Arab countries to respond to water resources scarcity, and industrial and socio-economic development using the option of electricity generation and water desalination with...
From October 16-20, 2017, Mr. Mark Tonacci and Mr. Richard Emch of Advanced Systems Technology and Management (AdSTM) conducted a Siting Application Review Workshop in Accra, Ghana. There were 20 participants in the USNRC/IRDP workshop, predominately representing the Ghanaian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA), created in 2016; however, representatives from the Radiological and Non-Ionizing Installations Directorate of NRA and from the Nuclear Power Institute (part of the Ghanaian Atomic Energy Commission) were in attendance.The workshop presented the USNRC’s methodology for conducting the...
From September 11-14, 2017, AdSTM instructors Richard Emch, Weidong He, and David Squarer; conducted a workshop entitled, “Overview of Computer Codes Used in the Regulatory Process” in Bucharest, Romania. The National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) was the first regulator to receive this new International Regulatory Development Partnership (IRDP) course, which was attended by participants representing the CNCAN; the Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica (SNN), the operating company for the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant; ICN Pitesti, the licensee for the TRIGA...
AdSTM conducted an IRDP consultation with the Jordanian Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission (EMRC) from September 13 to September 14, 2017, to provide assistance to them regarding their nuclear inspector qualification program. The consultation was conducted by Mr. Robert Gramm and Dr. Steven Reese. The main focus of the consultation was to evaluate the EMRC research reactor inspector qualification program and to provide recommendations for EMRC consideration to enhance the program. The consultation took place at the EMRC office in Amman, Jordan. It consisted primarily of a series of...
From September 10 - 12, 2017, AdSTM staff conducted a research reactor inspection workshop and on-the-job training (OJT) at the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission (EMRC) in Amman, Jordan and at the Jordan Research and Training Reactor (JRTR) in Irbid, Jordan. The participants were five nuclear regulators from the Jordanian regulatory body EMRC, whose responsibility encompasses various aspects of research reactor inspection and oversight.The workshop and OJT inspection provided the Jordanian EMRC staff a practical application of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) inspection...
A Construction Permit (CP) Application Review Workshop was presented by AdSTM on July 17-21, 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand. The USNRC/IRDP Workshop was delivered by David Squarer and Mel Fields of AdSTM.The CP application review Workshop had 13 attendees and was conducted at the offices of Thailand’s nuclear regulator, Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP). The Workshop was very well received by the highly educated and experienced attendees. Several of the attendees have received their Ph.D. degrees from top Universities at the U.S. and the U.K. The majority of the participants were impressed by the...
On June 13-15, 2017, NRC/OIP and AdSTM participated in the 9th Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF) Steering Committee Meeting and the Collaboration Meeting with the European Commission (EC) and the RCF. In 2010, the RCF was established as a regulator-to-regulator forum to promote collaboration and cooperation to improve coordination among IAEA member states with well-established nuclear power programs (providers) and those considering the introduction and/or expansion of nuclear power programs (recipients).
The Steering Committee Meeting focused on overview of the current status of...
From June 5 – 8, 2017, Gene Imbro and Bob Gramm of AdSTM provided a workshop on the “Practical Basics of Mechanical, Welding and Nondestructive Examination, Electrical and Instrumentation and Control, and Civil/Structural” in Bucharest and Cernavoda, Romania. Workshop participants included fourteen (14) staff from the Romanian National Committee for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) and five staff from NuclearElectrica/Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).
During the two day classroom portion of the workshop, the AdSTM instructors presented basic information related to nuclear power...