From October 10-12, 2017, the Arab Atomic Energy Agency (AAEA) and Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission, in cooperation with the League of Arab States, Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity and the Arab Union of Electricity; held the Fourth Arab Forum on the Prospects of Nuclear Power for Electricity Generation and Seawater Desalination in Amman, Jordan. The purpose of the forum was to discuss the strategic option for Arab countries to respond to water resources scarcity, and industrial and socio-economic development using the option of electricity generation and water desalination with nuclear energy. This forum in one of many opportunities for Arab countries to exchange information and experience on individual national approaches for evaluating and/or pursuing a nuclear power program; and an opportunity to increase their knowledge of the requisite legal, financial and managerial obligations that are associated with the decision to pursue nuclear energy as a viable option to address their energy needs.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) was invited to present on its international assistance activities, specifically those activities relevant to the AAEA and its member countries. Mr. Mel Fields of Advanced Systems Technology and Management (AdSTM), presented on behalf of the USNRC; outlining the various assistance activities and programs available to the Arab countries.