AdSTM conducted a Siting Application Review Workshop in Pretoria, South Africa, from October 10 to October 14, 2016. The workshop was attended by 22 people, mostly representatives of the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR). Mr. Richard Emch of AdSTM and Mr. Stewart Bland of Chesapeake Nuclear Services conducted the workshop. The workshop presented the USNRC’s methodology for conducting the review of an application for an early site permit or a construction permit using the guidance of NUREG-0800 (the Standard Review Plan). The workshop included an interactive exercise where the participants were...
News from 2016
rom November 14 to 17, 2016, IRDP staff conducted a workshop on power uprates at the Offices of the State Scientific Technical Center (SSTC) in Kiev, Ukraine. The National Nuclear Safety Regulator (SNRIU), the Ukrainian nuclear regulator, requested assistance from the IRDP program on power uprate training. SNRIU was the first regulator to receive this new training course, which was developed to respond to member’s interest in power uprates. The workshop brought together participants from several sectors of the Ukrainian nuclear program: the SNRIU, the regulator’s technical support...
Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) and Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG) Workshop was held in Beijing, China on September 19-23, 2016. The meeting was organized jointly by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) on behalf of Department of Energy (DOE) and by China Nuclear Power Engineering Co, Ltd (CNPE). The meeting was hosted by China National Energy Administration. The Workshop was attended by 14 Chinese organizations representing utilities, regulator, designers/vendors, research institutions, and university. The meeting was well attended (65 attendees) and the participants...
From August 29 to September 2, 2016, AdSTM conducted the subject workshop in Bucharest, Romania. The workshop was attended by members of the Romanian nuclear regulatory authority, CNCAN and personnel responsible for the operation of the two CANDU6 nuclear power plants operated in Romania. The workshop covered various aspects of the 2011 accident at Fukushima, the NRC response and follow-up activities to address the lessons learned from the accident. In addition, the workshop focused on the essential elements of a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA). The attendees learned about the basic PRA...
State College, PA
From August 8 - 11, 2016, AdSTM staff conducted an On-the-Job (OJT) mock research reactor inspection at the Penn State Breazeale TRIGA Reactor (PSBR) in State College, Pennsylvania. The participants were three nuclear regulators from the Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP), Bureau of Nuclear Safety (BNSR), whose responsibility encompasses various aspects of research reactor oversight and inspection.
The OJT mock inspection provided the Thailand BNSR staff a practical application of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) inspection protocols for a typical...
From 16 to 19 August 2016, John Kinneman of AdSTM, Inc. attended and participated in the Consultancy Meeting of the African Regulatory Body Network (FNRBA) held at IAEA in Vienna, Austria. One focus of this meeting was, “Regulatory Body needs and services provided by FNRBA to Regulatory Bodies.” In addition to discussions on this subject and revising the organization charter, there were meetings of the FNRBA Technical Working Groups (TWG). These meetings completed the development of specific needs from the results of a gap analysis and plans for activities in 2017 to respond to those gaps....
US NRC, supported by AdSTM, met with the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) of South Africa to discuss technical and regulatory cooperation. The topical areas discussed are reflective of current and upcoming issues facing both regulators: steam generator replacement, life extension, spent fuel storage, and new reactor siting. Additional topics included code sharing and personnel exchanges. AdSTM will continue to assist NNR in developing an Inspector Qualification program. Participants discussed various RSRP topics related to potential oversight responsibility over radiation sources.
The IRDP U.S. industry Design and Construction Codes and Standards Workshop was conducted from July 25 to July 29, 2016 at the offices of the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) in Bucharest, Romania. The audience was composed of members of the CNCAN regulatory staff, CNCAN university student interns, members of the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant staff, and staff from the Centre of Technology and Engineering for Nuclear Projects. During the workshop, AdSTM instructors, Gene Imbro and Bob Gramm, addressed the following topics: Introduction to design and construction codes...
From June 20 – 23, 2016, AdSTM, Inc. staff conducted an IRDP workshop on Construction and Vendor Inspection at the offices of the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) in Bucharest, Romania. The audience was composed of CNCAN regulators, university students who are interns at CNCAN, Cernavoda Unit 1 and 2 licensee staff, staff from the Cernavoda Unit 3 and 4 project company, and staff from the Centre of Technology and Engineering for Nuclear Projects. Over the four-day workshop, AdSTM staff, Mel Fields and Bob Gramm, provided instruction and exercises that focused on...
Under the IRDP program support, AdSTM delivered a RTR workshop to the Peruvian Nuclear Energy Institute (IPEN) from June 13-17, 2016. The audience was composed of IPEN regulators and one invited regulator from Bolivia. The activity was of interest to Peru due to their responsibilities as regulators of one research reactor located near the capital city of Peru. During the four days’ workshop, several topics from basic concepts to licensing and inspections of research reactors were widely discussed. The main goal of this workshop was to provide support to the Peruvian Regulatory Authority with...