Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) and Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG) Workshop was held in Beijing, China on September 19-23, 2016. The meeting was organized jointly by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) on behalf of Department of Energy (DOE) and by China Nuclear Power Engineering Co, Ltd (CNPE). The meeting was hosted by China National Energy Administration. The Workshop was attended by 14 Chinese organizations representing utilities, regulator, designers/vendors, research institutions, and university. The meeting was well attended (65 attendees) and the participants representing a spectrum of nuclear organizations have asked many informed questions. The NRC regulatory perspective on severe accident management was presented by David Squarer (AdSTM/NRC). The level 2 probabilistic safety assessment that supports the severe accident management guidelines (SAMG) was presented by David Bradley (consultant to ANL/DOE). Austin Grelle (ANL) discussed briefly the structure of SAMG based on experience in Ukraine. Several presentations describing level 2 PSA and SAMG were made by the Chinese engineers representing the above organizations. This Workshop would allow China to identify weaknesses in their applications of PSA Level 2 methodologies and to develop severe accident management guidelines for their operating and newly constructed nuclear power plants.