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Nuclear Executive Workshop in Amman, Jordan

Published on January 20, 2011

A Nuclear Executive Workshop was held in Amman, Jordan for the staff and leadership of the Jordanian Nuclear Regulatory Commission (JNRC) from January 16 – 19, 2011. The purpose of the workshop was to provide interactive training on reactor regulation, the organization of a regulatory agency, teamwork among the nuclear organizations, strategies for developing regulatory structures, and the staffing/training activities necessary to support the regulatory mission. The workshop was led by Bill Bateman and Mark Reinhart of AdSTM. Sergey Katsenelenbogen also attended and supported workshop activities. The workshop identified key issues and potential actions for JNRC to consider, as they prepare to receive an application for a nuclear power plant site and construction permit.

JNRC Director Jamal Sharaf was quoted in The Jordan Times as saying that the commission has made it a priority to bolster cooperation in the field of nuclear safety with the US, the first country to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Kingdom in the field of nuclear energy.

Jordan Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission