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Meeting with JNRC Director General

Published on March 11, 2011

On March 10, 2011, representatives of AdSTM and the US NRC Office of International Programs (OIP) met with Dr. Sharaf, the Director General of the Jordan Nuclear Regulatory Commission (JNRC) to discuss a prioritized action items list developed by JNRC subsequent to the IRDP Nuclear Executive Workshop (NEW) conducted in Amman, Jordan from the January 16-19, 2011. Topics discussed during the meeting included: the JNRC organizational structure, quality management systems, emergency planning, qualification programs, safety culture, and access to NRC codes e.g., dose assessment codes, thermal-hydraulic codes. AdSTM will develop a 3-4 day course (i.e., from previously developed training modules) that address Nuclear Quality Assurance and Nuclear Codes and Standards for presentation in Amman, Jordan during the summer of 2011

Jordan Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission