From December 1 - 4, 2014, Eileen McKenna and Bob Gramm of AdSTM provided training on vendor inspection techniques in Hanoi, Vietnam. Workshop participants included staff from the Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS); Mechanical Research Institute; Center for material damage assessment (COMFA) - Institute of Materials Science; Vietnam Society of Sciences and Technology Welding - Ministry of Industry and Trade; Center for non-destructive evaluation (NDE); Center for technical standards of quality measurement; General Department of Standardization, Metrology and Quality;...
News from 2014
During the week of November 2-6, 2014, the NRC’s IRDP conducted a Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Workshop for the Arab Atomic Energy Agency (AAEA) in Kuwait City, Kuwait. The workshop covers the general contents and uses of PRAs for nuclear power plants as well as aspects of risk-informed regulation and risk-informed decision making. The content of the workshop included risk assessment bases, PRA basics, event tree basics, fault tree basics, component failure data, human reliability analyses, sequence quantification, Level 2 PRA and severe accident progression, Level 3 PRA, seismic PRA,...
During the week of October 20-24, 2014, the NRC’s IRDP conducted a Construction Permit (CP) Application Review Workshop for the Arab Atomic Energy Agency (AAEA) in Rockville, Maryland. The workshop covers the regulatory prerequisites necessary to effectively review a construction permit application, explains safety objectives and concepts, and provides an overview of the licensing process. The content of each chapter of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) is summarized, the regulatory review procedures are described, and example regulatory findings are provided. The workshop...
A Siting Application Review Workshop was presented on September 8-12, 2014 at Poland’s National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) in Warsaw, Poland. The Workshop was presented by Dr. David Squarer, Mr. Richard Emch and Dr. Taekmo Shim of the Korean Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS). This workshop was developed by AdSTM to illustrate how the NRC reviews a siting application. As such it follows the review procedure described in the siting related chapters of the standard review plan (SRP) (NUREG-0800). This Siting Workshop was modified to meet PAA’s needs. Modifications included additional class...
A Siting Application Review Workshop was presented on August 25-29, 2014 in Accra, Ghana at the Radiation protection Institute of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission. The Workshop was presented by Dr. David Squarer and Mr. Richard Emch. This workshop was developed by AdSTM to illustrate how the NRC reviews a siting application, either in the context of Early Site Permit (ESP), Construction Permit (CP), or Combined License (COL). As such it follows the review procedure described in the siting related chapters of the standard review plan (SRP) (NUREG-0800). The workshop was attended by 20...
On July 9, 2014 and July 22, 2014, Mr. David Fischer, AdSTM’s Director of the IRDP, supported Kenya’s third delegation to attend Texas A...
From June 22 - 25, 2014, Bob Gramm of AdSTM provided training on construction and vendor inspection techniques to staff from the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission (formerly the Jordan Nuclear Regulatory Commission) of Jordan. Eleven staff participated in the workshop including the lead quality assurance inspector, the resident inspector for the Jordan Research and Test Reactor, and nine recently hired engineers.The AdSTM instructor discussed nuclear quality assurance, construction inspection program attributes, regulatory enforcement, research reactor inspection, vendor inspection...
From June 16 - 20 2014, the IRDP presented a Codes and Standards Workshop in Bucharest, Romania. Gene Imbro and David Squarer from AdSTM, and Mihaela Biro from the NRC conducted the course. The course was attended by 24 people from different organizations It was attended by 11 members of the Romanian National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) and representatives from CNE-Cernavoda, EnergoNuclear, the Center of Technology and Engineering for Nuclear Projects (CITON) and the State Inspection for Control of Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Hoisting (ISCIR). The course covered...
A Siting Application Review Workshop was presented on June 9-13, 2014 in Centurion, South Africa to the National Nuclear Reactor Regulator of South Africa (NNR) by David Squarer and Richard Emch. This workshop was developed by AdSTM to illustrate how the NRC reviews a siting application, either in the context of Early Site Permit (ESP), Construction Permit (CP), or Combined License (COL). As such it follows the review procedure described in the siting related chapters of the standard review plan (SRP) (NUREG-0800). The workshop, conducted at the NNR’s office, was attended by a total of 36...
From June 9-18, 2014, the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) conducted a Regional Workshop of Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Preparedness and Response at the KINS facilities in Daejeon, Republic of Korea. The International Regulatory Development Partnership (IRDP) provided support to the workshop; Mr. Richard Emch of AdSTM assisted the KINS staff, led by Dr. DaeSoo Shin, in conducting the workshop and made five presentations regarding radiological emergency response in the United States. Representatives from nine countries in the Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators/Arab Atomic Energy...