During the week of November 2-6, 2014, the NRC’s IRDP conducted a Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Workshop for the Arab Atomic Energy Agency (AAEA) in Kuwait City, Kuwait. The workshop covers the general contents and uses of PRAs for nuclear power plants as well as aspects of risk-informed regulation and risk-informed decision making. The content of the workshop included risk assessment bases, PRA basics, event tree basics, fault tree basics, component failure data, human reliability analyses, sequence quantification, Level 2 PRA and severe accident progression, Level 3 PRA, seismic PRA, wind/sand storm PRA, external flood PRA, fire PRA, low power/shutdown PRA, uncertainties in PRA, and risk-informed regulation/risk-informed decision making. There were 33 participants in the workshop from the countries of Kuwait, Libya, Bahrain, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, and Jordan, representing the AAEA.