From September 17-28, 2012, the International Regulatory Development Partnership (IRDP) provided support to the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) who conducted a Workshop on Emergency Preparedness and Environmental Radiation Monitoring at the KINS facilities in Daejeon, Republic of Korea. Mr. Richard Emch of AdSTM assisted the KINS staff, led by Dr. DaeSoo Shin, in conducting the workshop and made three presentations: (1) “Radiological Environmental Monitoring Around U.S. Nuclear Power Plants,” (2) “U.S. EPA’s RADNET System,” and (3) “Emergency Preparedness Programs for U.S. Nuclear Power Plants.” Representatives from the Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators/Arab Atomic Energy Agency and the Forum of Nuclear Regulatory Body in Africa participated in the workshop. There were 35 participants from 21 countries (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen, and Zimbabwe). None of these countries have operating nuclear power plants yet; a few have operating research reactors. All of these countries employ radioisotopes in medical, industrial, and agricultural uses.
Workshop on Emergency Preparedness and Environmental Radiation Monitoring in Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety