A new siting workshop developed by AdSTM to illustrate how the NRC reviews a siting Application, either in the context of Early Site Permit (ESP), Construction Permit (CP), or Combined License (COL) was conducted on October 29 - November 2, 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand at Thailand’s Office of Atom for Peace (OAP). This workshop follows the review procedure described in the siting related chapters of the standard review plan (SRP) (NUREG-0800). The workshop was attended by a total of 24 people, including 4 people from the State owned Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). The workshop was opened officially by Dr. Suthiweth T. Saengchantara, the new OAP’s Secretary General.
The AdSTM’s instructors David Squarer and Gene Imbro entertained numerous pointed questions from the participants throughout the workshop. The instructors and Danielle Emche of the NRC/OIP discussed potential future support to OAP by the IRDP and NRC.