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Nuclear Fundamentals Workshop Conducted in Nairobi, Kenya

Published on February 17, 2012

From February 13 - 17, 2012 the IRDP conducted the Nuclear Fundamentals course in Nairobi, Kenya. The workshop included two days of Fundamentals of Reactor Regulations (FORR) and two and a half days of Fundamentals of Reactor Safety (FORS). The event was well attended by the following organizations: Kenya Radiation Protection Board (RPB), University of Nairobi, Kenya Polytechni, Nuclear Energy Project/Ministry of Energy (NEP), Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI), Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), National Council for Science and Technology (NCST), and the Ministry of Planning National Development and Vision 2030 (MPND&V2030).

Topics covered in Fundamentals of Reactor Regulations (FORR) include basic aspects of regulations, legal framework of regulations, phases of oversight, regulatory concepts and functions, other agency activities, and regulatory agency infrastructure. The Fundamentals of Reactor Safety (FORS) course covered basic nuclear concepts, reactor safety strategy, hazard identification, safe design and operation, core protection, consequence mitigation, reactor accidents, and a summary.

Kenya Radiation Protection Board