Between February 13 and 17, 2012, the IRDP conducted a Nuclear Executive Workshop at PNRI in the Philippines. AdSTM also briefed PNRI on the status of small modular reactor (SMR) reviews and issues in the United States. Dr. Charlie Miller (AdSTM) briefed PNRI, and representatives from the Philippine Department of Energy, and the National Power Corporation on the accident at Fukushima Dai-ichi. Pat Milano (NRC/NRR) and Bob Haag (NRC/RII) briefed PNRI on the restart of Browns Ferry Unit 1, Watts Bar Unit 2, and Bellefonte Units 1 & 2. Following the various training sessions NRC/AdSTM staff toured the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant whose construction had been terminated in 1986 following hot functional testing and before core load.