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Construction Permit Workshop and Fukushima Training in Vilnius, Lithuania

Published on February 29, 2012

During the week of February 20-24, 2012, representatives of AdSTM and Ms. Danielle Emche of NRC Office of International Programs traveled to Vilnius, Lithuania to conduct a Construction Permit Workshop for Lithuania’s State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate (VATESI). The attendance list included VATESI staff, as well as representatives from technical support organizations and universities. The Construction Permit Workshop addressed the prerequisites associated with the development of a nuclear regulatory authority, safety requirements and concepts, the construction permit review process, the content of and method for reviewing a preliminary safety analysis report (PSAR), and the content of a construction permit. The workshop included several interactive exercises during which participants prioritized PSAR sections for review and reviewed a PSAR section in accordance with the U.S. NRC Standard Review Plan (NUREG-0800). At the conclusion of the workshop, Mr. Richard Barrett of AdSTM made a presentation on the accident at Fukushima Dai-ichi. His presentation included a summary of the sequence of events, a discussion of station blackout events, a description of the accident progression, offsite impacts, recovery actions, and insights for emerging nuclear countries.

State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate of the Republic of Lithuania