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Virtual Topical Workshop for Nigeria: "Reactor Siting Application Review"

Published on March 18, 2021

The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s International Regulatory Development Partnership conducted a virtual workshop in March 2021 on “Reactor Siting Application Review” for 67 managers and staff at the Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA).

The workshop was conducted using a virtual platform (Zoom) in three-hour segments over nine separate days between March 3 and 17. The workshop detailed the NRC’s approach to performing the safety review of an application for a permit for reactor siting and was focused on Early Site Permit application. The workshop materials were primarily focused on NRC’s NUREG-0800, the Standard Review Plan.

During the workshop, AdSTM experts Mr. Richard Emch and Mr. Mel Fields addressed the following reactor siting topics: Site Location and Demography, Man-made Hazards, Meteorology, Hydrology. Geology and Seismology, Quality Assurance Inspections, Electric Power Grid Considerations, Emergency Planning, Content of an Early Site Permit, and Insights from Fukushima. The workshop also included an interactive exercise to review postulated flooding scenarios for two nuclear power plants located in the United States.

Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority