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Singapore Capacity Building Workshop

Published on July 20, 2024
Singapore Capacity Building Workshop image 0

From July 15-19, 2024, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC’s) International Regulatory Development Partnership (IRDP) conducted a workshop on radiation protection and nuclear safety for Singapore. The main objective of the workshop was to help the Singapore government enhance its capabilities in radiation protection and develop a better understanding of the regulation and safety of nuclear energy, including the wide ranging legal, organizational, and staffing considerations. Participants in the workshop included a wide range of representatives from numerous Singaporean stakeholder organizations.

The workshop, held in Singapore, featured opening remarks from NRC Chair Hanson and National Environment Agency’s (NEA) Chief Executive Officer Wong Kang Jet. Mr. John Kinneman, Mr. Mel Fields, and Mr. Stewart Magruder, subject matter experts from the NRC contractor Advanced Systems Technology and Management, Inc. (AdSTM), made multiple presentations and facilitated discussion during the week.

The workshop participants were very engaged and produced excellent presentations from small group discussions during the week. They also asked questions that demonstrated an understanding of the issues they are facing in their capability building efforts. At the end of the workshop, NEA managers expressed a desire to maintain and expand its nuclear safety capacity building relationship with the NRC.