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Nuclear Executive Workshop in Pretoria, South Africa

Published on March 21, 2013

On March 19th and 20th, 2013, Scott Newberry, Dr. Charles Miller, and David Fischer conducted a Nuclear Executive Workshop (NEW) in Pretoria, South Africa for the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) of South Africa. Attendees included members of the NNR Board of Directors, the Acting Chief Executive Officer, and Senior Executives from the NNR technical and support staffs. The training included summaries of te Three Mile Island and Fukushima accidents in addition to the normal program adgenda (see The workshop was highly interactive and extremely effective. Potential NNR follow-up activities related to independence of the regulatory staff, NNR organizational structure, communications, organizational performance assessment, training, and qualification were identified. Several areas for potential future IRDP support to NNR were also identified.

South Africa National Nuclear Regulator