Reactor Construction Permit Application Reviews


To familiarize regulatory staff and management with a wide spectrum of technical and regulatory elements, which are incorporated in a construction permit application, and to provide guidance that will assist the staff in performing an effective and efficient review of the application.


The course structure is designed to introduce students to basic introductory topics such as: the overall review process, fundamental safety objectives and functions, main safety and radiological acceptance criteria, and general review guidance (including risk-informed review prioritization). Once there is a general understanding of these topics, instruction will expand to include more detailed discussions on key design and safety requirements including defense-in-depth, single-failure criterion, redundancy, and diversity. The course instructors will discuss the scope and methodology employed in probabilistic safety analysis (Levels I and II) and deterministic analysis. Case studies of safety-significant systems with diverse primary safety functions will be used to illustrate system-specific safety-requirements, design features, and key technical issues associated with each system. The workshop will conclude by discussing the subject of safety management, including the quality assurance (QA) program and considerations such as staffing, training, and the adoption of a plant-wide safety culture, Principle references include 10 CFR 50, Regulatory Guide 1.70 and NUREG-0800 (Standard Review Plan). Where appropriate, cross-reference to applicable IAEA documents is provided (e.g., IAEA No. NS-R-1).

Regulatory technical staff, licensee staff

Where this training has been delivered: